Open Source Freeware Global Network Robert G Brown Monday 04.15.2019 Need a future? Simple language? Clear communication? Full Article: Open Source Freeware Global Network
Article from Robots Talk About Sheople by Robert G Brown Thursday 4/13/2017 Updated 11.10.2018 What do you think 2.0? …digi .doc 5.0? Come on. …digi .doc legend – Question 1.0 Fatherhood/Motherhood/Family – Power 2.0 Sonship/Daughtership/Family Brotherhood/Sisterhood/Community – Romance 3.0 Holy Spirit/Teachers/Guides/Answers – Health 4.0 Super Ego/Honest Communication/Wide Scope Perspectives/Trust/Loyalty – Wealth 5.0 Protection/Dominion/Honest Business Dynamics or Heavenly Business Dynamics//Universal Communication Information Technology and Applied Mathematics – Security/Credibility/Accounting/Seamless Integration/Unlimited Idea Open Source Sharing …digi .doc 6.0 …
Careers Available? Get a real job. You shit in the river and move trash around. 15 minutes a day could save your life and your planet’s. How big is your family? Develop the planet for global riches with changes to our global community remembering God as Family, not authority. Life and friendship with life is our relationship. Sharing abundance expands forever, while cigarettes cause cancer are curse words asshole. You figure it out. What really happened? …
Save Money Grow Your Own Robert G Brown Saturday 12.29.2018 Potatoes and onions grow in the refrigerator. They tell you they want to grow, if you are not ready to use them. How neat is that. I lived as mountain man for some years, in a big house in the forest near Flagstaff, AZ, with about 6 roommates. It was a beautiful place, unique to the suburban world I grew up in. Open fresh and rustic …
Lemonade Stand puts money out of business by Robert G Brown Saturday 12.29.2018 Why are there few fruit trees on residential property in a capitalistic society? How many little charges do you pay each day that slowly suck the money out of your pocket? Have you ever asked yourself questions like this and gave an honest well thought answer? The blog post picture displays a cooler you can put ice in. How cool is my lemonade …
Indoor Garden and CSA Market by Robert G Brown World Family Community News Room: A neighborhood went to market because life lost its way. They were indoor garderners. They each grew several items for their CSA (community supported agriculture) market. Potatoes onions lettuces greens broccoli tomatoes strawberries carrots and other root vegetables peppers cucumbers…do you think you can grow a watermelon indoors? A huge variety of indoor grown produce is what the neighborhood had and they …
Article From: The Right Answer: How Freedom and Reality put Sickness and Death Out of Business by Robert Brown stardate: Thursday 11.08.2018 What if, you were my wife, and i was out blowing 20 people last night…how would you feel? Family Community makes sense as God’s Kingdom God’s Heaven. See the light. It is shiny and bright! …digi .doc 5.0 – Eternal Life for All is Here! Do you want Eternal Life? What does your …
HELLO WORLD! …welcome from world family community .com There is something wrong here, because this aint Heaven. World Family Community brings Heaven to Earth through harmlessness; not threat of being harmed or not being harmed by the finger of somebody’s evil and destructive intentions, not matter how nice it looks. Good morning and warm welcome.