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World Family Community Newsletter
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The FoG is rolling in.

A warm welcome from the Family of God…

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We are the fastest growing global company of family people. 1 share per citizen on planet earth. Donate @:

I spend my money giving you a reliable message.

World Family Community is bringing people together. Fight to survive or live as one?

mr brown and a little blue speaking truth – know radio video is now

Knowing family is Creation’s foundation for our lives, we bring people together through the power of community. World Family Community seeks to create a worldwide community, with cooperation from family and community as the foundation for integral growth, founded on Heaven’s Business Dynamics. An open-source platform will give Our Family, The Family of God, an opportunity to be part of everything our company does through an equal opportunity voting system in all aspects of the company, as well as an opportunity to work “hands on” on all projects that meet your interest. A world where you work every job, so you know everything, and no one is ever in-charge of your life ever again. Every investor will have an equal part of the wealth with a one-time investment of $25 now $12. As the company grows we will be taking on certain projects when we reach the desirable resource levels.

Our project goal is to establish a corporation for the common person to be able to compete with the wealthiest companies on the planet. Power in numbers is how this company runs, and bringing the average person to a platform that helps them grow and shine in one of the most ferocious playing fields known to man. We are determined to lower costs for the people of planet earth starting with the members of our corporation. World Family Community builds strength through an open source infrastructure that lets every members voice be heard. As resources become available there will be no project we can’t tackle.

world family community motto

Our first order of business is to lower the cost of owning a home by 100%. We plan on doing this through community agriculture with an eventual community marketplace to reduce in home food costs by 100% with the ability to profit remarkably in today’s changing world. Eventual community marketplace depends on the growth in your community to adopt the principles of in-home sustainable agriculture. Growing indoors and outdoors in small home gardens to meet the needs of your family and eventually your community. With the efforts of many and systems that take care of themselves, a paradigm shift in how you care for and maintain your own food sources will enlighten your mind leaving you wishing that these new ways of living came sooner.

Affiliate run marketplaces working with companies from around the world will give us the ability to earn money while we use the same goods from the same stores we normally shop will helps us cut costs and build our company at the same time. Imagine earning money from everyone in your community from shopping at online marketplace that invites all the stores you would normally shop at to participate. You would earn affiliate commissions from everyone using the online community marketplace. Clothing, appliances, furniture, equipment, vitamins, health and beauty products…just to name a few. Unlike the the usual pyramid, mlm, network marketing…you would earn from every member that spends money through the marketplace whether they came in before or after you.

If certain projects aren’t running in your demographic you will still be able to earn to equal profits from all projects while cutting your costs of living tremendously until they are nothing. Although some projects will be based on individual efforts the overall revenue of the revenue of the company will be equated to everyone. Cutting costs in all areas of you life is our prime goal. Food, clothing, utilities, taxes are some of the areas that will be focused on. If you didn’t have to pay for any of these, how much better would your life be?

At $25 to become an equal shareholder, and millions of people working together, there is no obstacle that could stand in our way. With our open source infrastructure we will know what projects to undertake and when to take them on, based on the needs of today. When we are ready to build a communication network via open source wireless phones, fiber-optic Internet using linux based operating systems, with cloud based encrypted data services we will know how and when to do it.

I get down for nittys, so I am nitty for my grittys, my nits.

Learn how to build a global marketplace by the answers you give in this 3 question survey.

Create your own user feedback survey

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Sample Mini Market

CSA markert

live as one share ideas unlimited and free now i don’t pay for you and you don’t pay for me so pray for us as we pray for you the work is done now fun is true

World Famimly Community Newsletter