Social Media Saving Your Life Countless Hours
We need a social media site that combines the best of all the social media sties and adds email and email marketing double-optin web based software like Aweber or Mailchimp or Constant Contact. Join forces and bring it all in one the right way…one global user interface for all. 3 Tabs Friends Family Business well defined and understood with tools to tackle any obstacle in seconds. Marketing Scheduling Best Calender Ever Email Friends Family with emergency contacts and Business in one email account clearly and quickly sorted by one check box that defines the sender as friend family or business so the return email can help autosort to friend family or business root folders with priority categoriess normal urgent or emergency.
Think about facebook linkedin and twitter in one with page design having user friendly user freedom to design your page the way you want with drag and drop boxes any size any line with or without columns with any font any size. Picture boxes, text boxes, feed boxes, message boxes, all setup your way using friends and families pages for ideas for your own.
The real healing is us.
Children should have a child password and child user name attached to the parent account so they use the same email and the child and the parent can read any email and forward and reply to their own personal emails. Trust.